Thank You

To my St. Andrew’s Church Family,

Thank you for all of the love and support all these years while I’ve attended school. I have never met such a wonderful group of people as I met in those church walls. Your kindness has meant the world to me and I look forward to graduating this semester. Absolutely so thankful,

Sara Robinson

To My Church Family,

Kamp was extra special for me this year. With covid taking a lot from me last year, I was so grateful to get the opportunity to return to kamp for one last year. It was amazing to see everyone and be able to pick up right where we left off. God moved in many ways throughout the week and it was amazing to experience the growth of everyone’s faith as the week went on. It was sad that it was my last year and I hope to go back as a counselor one day but the memories made and lessons learned at kamp will stick with me forever. It was an amazing week and despite having a rough year with the pandemic, God has a greater plan and is there with us through it all.

Thank you,
Sarra Faust

Thank you so much for giving me and my family the absolute treasure that is sending me to Sanctuary Kamp. There is a part of me that wouldn’t be alive if you didn’t continue to aid us in going, and for that I can only be truly thankful from my whole heart. I’ve grown so close with so many friends who I have the honor of calling my brothers, I’ve grown closer with God who has shown me so many beautiful things and delivered to me beautiful messages through beautiful people, and I’ve grown closer with myself in my confidence and my being outgoing as well as welcoming. I am eternally grateful for this that you have provided for me and for my family, this pool of gratitude is far wide and far deep. I have made lifelong memories, and you were the catalyst for this. Thank you so much for everything.

Asa Faust

Dear St. Andrews,

Thank you so much for sending me to church kamp! I had an incredible time! This was possibly one of the best years I’ve had at this kamp. I met so many people, and i grew tremendously in my relationship with God. In such a crazy world, church kamp this year was like a haven where all of the worlds worries just melted away, into God’s hands. My faith is in such a special place because of this kamp, and the friends that I made will definitely be friends my entire life.

At the end of kamp, we usually do this thing called the candle walk. This is where we all get candles and walk from campfire to a building that’s like an outdoor church. All the counselors go ahead of the campers with candles to light the way for the campers, even though we already have candles. At one point my candle went out, but a counselor was right there to light it again. That’s what you guys are like. The people that light the way for me, and the ones I can count on to light my candle again when in goes out. Thank you so much for helping me on my journey, and lighting my way with things like this kamp. I will never forget the experiences I have had here. Thank you so much for sending me!

Isaac Faust