2022: your year for generosity

“You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity!”

-2 Corinthians 9:11

As you make resolutions and set goals for the New Year, be sure to include this one: “I will be more generous in 2022.” It will bless you – and your community and neighbors!

The Bible makes clear that generosity leads to a more abundant life. Generous people experience one of those paradoxes of the Kingdom of God, where the last are first, the greatest is servant to all, and whoever loses her life for Christ will gain it.

The paradox? Generous people get back far more they give.

First, a clarification: The paradox is NOT a financial strategy to maximize return on investment. That would be missing the point. Besides, there are more important things to give than money, such as time, service, kindness, forgiveness, compassion, love, and joy. And what we get back may not be quantifiable. How do you measure well-being and happiness?

Generosity’s real “payback” is what and who we become when we cultivate a habit of giving. Giving transforms us into generous-hearted people, and generous-hearted people tend to experience a real abundance of joy, peace, love, and security.

The old saying is most certainly true: The open palm holds more than the closed fist.

For 2022, set a goal to be more generous. Start by increasing your charitable giving above last year’s offering, but also aim to give away your time, to serve your neighbor, to be lavish in compassion, extravagant in love. Pray that God will guide you and help you experience the paradox: Givers get back more than they give away.

-Rob Blezard

Copyright © 2022, Rev. Robert Blezard. Pastor Blezard serves as pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Aberdeen, MD, and works as content editor for www.stewardshipoflife.org. He blogs at www.thestewardshipguy.com.