From the Pastor

Well, the Lenten season is over, but that doesn’t mean Easter is over. Easter is too important to only be celebrated one day each year. The period of Easter will actually last seven Sundays until Pentecost. Easter can be or should be the beginning of a new life. During Lent, we give things up or start new disciplines to bring us closer to God. I have always said those disciplines don’t have to stop on Easter. If those things brought you closer to God, then why not continue them and be closer to God the rest of your life.

We had nine visitors on Easter Sunday at our in-person service including some children and young adults. We also saw some people we hadn’t seen in awhile. What does that mean? It means someone is reaching out and inviting. Whether it is being done through in person contact, online invitation, or the signage around the church, it is happening and that is a good thing.

If you have done some of the inviting, good for you. If you haven’t felt comfortable inviting others; we hope that with changes that are taking place, repairs and improvements being done to your church, you will be more apt to invite your friends or strangers who don’t have a church home.

I have talked to several people, and we have made the decision to open up the nursery in case there is a need on any given Sunday. We have done some repairs to the floor, some cleaning and will do more. We plan on replacing some of the toys with new, updated educational items. The nursery has not had any updates for many years, and if we want new families to feel comfortable leaving their children there while they attend our services, this is much needed.

If you haven’t been to worship in awhile for whatever reason, we would love to share a cup of coffee and a time of fellowship on Sunday mornings from 9:30 until 10:15. This will begin on May 1st, with the anticipation that it allows individuals to head into the Sanctuary and prepare for worship prior to the 10:30 service.

There are good things happening and an energy I haven’t seen since the Pandemic hit a couple years ago. Things are happening, and it is because the members of St Andrew’s UMC are committed to showing God’s love for all people.

In Christ’s Love,
Pastor Steve