- 4th: Mary Alice Weber
- 8th: Barbara Hoelzel
- 10th: Lily Courtois
- 13th: Jackie Brown
- 16th: David Loucks
- 17th: Kent Graves
- 18th: Clayton Parkin, Barbara Duncan
- 19th: Jim Foster
- 21st: Alec Huffman
- 23rd: Jack Robinson
- 26th: Becky Bradford
- 28th: Joe Bean, Will Weber
- 30th: Greg Schellert, Areena Smith
- 15th: Bob & Bryanna Alexander
- 27th: Richard & Norma Bell
- 27th: Bob & Darlene Payne
- 29th: Charles & Debby Campbell
If you are interested in other things happening at the church or as part of the ministry of the church, please check out our calendar. You can also view the printed calendar here.