We celebrated those who graduated on Sunday, May 22 and will present Bibles to two young girls on Sunday, June 5. Both of these are milestones in the lives of those individuals. It is the beginning of new chapters in their lives.
For the graduates, most are beginning to realize they are in command of their own destiny. This can be a scary time but also an exhilarating time. It is a time to spread their wings, make their own decisions, and realize they are in control of their lives. For the two young girls receiving their first Bible, it is an opportunity to begin a life changing journey guided by a book with all the right answers.
As members of St. Andrew’s UMC, we should not stop with just recognizing their accomplishments up until this point. We must continue to be there as an example of what it means to be a Christian and a member of a church family. With everything going on in their lives, we must make a special effort to stay connected. I know this is hard to do because of busy schedules, but we have an obligation to these young people to support and encourage them throughout their lives. I encourage everyone to show your love for them by visiting with them and asking how things are going in their lives from time to time.
The young girls receiving the Bibles will be going off to camp the week after that, so you might want to inquire what they did, what they learned, and if they enjoyed it the next time you see them. Camp can be such a life changing experience, and I expect they will be very excited when they return.
My point in this message is that we need to show our love by showing our support and encouragement to the entire St. Andrew’s family. Throughout all the changes in our lives, it is the way to stay connected and grow this church.
In Christ’s Love,
Pastor Steve