A new year’s resolution

In last month’s newsletter, I said the year was almost over. Well, it is over now. I also asked for a special favor. I asked you to brighten the life of someone by introducing them to Jesus and said it was the best gift you could give.

I hope you did introduce someone to Jesus during this season when we celebrate his birth. I also hope you had a blessed Holiday and were able to have joyous celebrations with those you love.

As we enter into the New Year, some of you will be looking at making resolutions. May I suggest instead of promises of diet changes, going to the gym more, losing weight, reading more or less screen time, that you make changes that make your life more meaningful. This could be anything from studying scripture, praying for others, volunteering, or writing notes of encouragement. A life in service to God and your church can be very rewarding and satisfying.

As we begin this New Year my prayer is that all of us as members of Saint Andrew’s UMC and as individual Christians have the strength to make a difference in the lives of others. I also pray that in some way we can introduce non-believers to the salvation that is theirs when they have a relationship with Jesus Christ.

If you insist on making a traditional resolution rather than a lifestyle change, make it be one that will help you change the lives of nonbelievers. Tell them the “Good News” that Jesus Christ is alive and lives in your heart and can live in their heart as well.

Start the new year off in such a way that you fulfill your baptism and the promise you made to serve the Lord, in union with the Church which Christ opened to people of all ages, nations, and races.

In Christ’s Love,
Pastor Steve