Looking toward February and the beginning of Lent

Another Charge Conference is in the books. I have to say this was one of the shortest conferences I have attended in my 20+ years of ministry. There was still a time of music, worship, teaching and business, but all were completed in just an hour.

Our new District Superintendent really seems to be organized and focused on the ministry of the United Methodist Church. He met with the PPR committee on Sunday after worship to make sure everyone was aware of the process of finding a new pastor. He then went to see the parsonage with members of the trustees. It was re-iterated by the committee that St Andrew’s could support a full-time pastor. The Cabinet will meet again in February to begin the process of finding pastors for the positions that need to be filled.

I hope everyone had a blessed Holiday season. It is now time to prepare for Lent and Easter. As we get closer to Lent I want to remind you to begin thinking and praying about changes you might want to make during this most meaningful time of the Christian year.

For years I have encouraged the practice of starting something new. Although it is an old tradition to give things up for Lent and I do support this, I also believe it can be a good time to start a new discipline.

If you don’t read your Bible or set aside a time for devotions daily, this can be a very meaningful habit to begin. If you have been wanting to get involved as a volunteer in the community there is no better time than today.

Lent is a period of 40 days plus Sundays that represent the time Jesus spent in the wilderness. It was a time he spent alone to think about what was ahead of him. Is it too much to ask of us to spend this time thinking about what Jesus did for us and what we can do for God’s Kingdom?

We will celebrate Ash Wednesday on February 22 with a Communion and Imposition of Ashes Service. This service begins our journey through Lent and into Easter. I believe this period of the Christian year can do more to help us become better Christians than any other time of the year. It is less hectic than Christmas and allows each of us to focus on our own spirituality. It is a time to grow as individuals and to become closer to God in our disciplines.

I encourage each of you to pray about changes you want to make in your life and prepare to walk closer with Jesus during the forty days of Lent.

In Christ’s Love,
Pastor Steve