Dear family at St. Andrew’s,
We can not thank you enough for your monthly donations and your very generous gift of all those amazing cookie morsels! Because of you all, we were able to help 133 families (257 individuals) with our extra special Christmas goodies. You all are a huge blessing to your community and to us!
your friends at the DeSoto Food Pantry

Dear St. Andrew’s UMC
You’ve given major assistance to fathers in Kenya have have an amputation. Thank you for your $215.90 donation received through Festival of Sharing. 1,357 mobility cards were built in 2022! In addition, your gift assisted in the shipment of 62 cards and 12 mini-carts to Aztec Ministry of Grace in Mexico. Thank you for your generous partnership since 2003!
More reasons to celebrate,
Janet Epperson, Volunteer
Mobility Worldwide