Mission Minute

April’s Mission Minute Results

Your generous donations of over $800 to the senior lunch payoff program will enable many seniors in the 2023 class to fully participate in graduation activities. They can walk in graduation with their classmates, hear their name be read, and walk to the podium to receive their diploma in front of family and friends. Your donations will definitely make a difference in their lives. Once the total is finalized and the number of students helped is confirmed with the school, we’ll report that to you. Thank you!

May’s Mission Minute Goal

During May, we’re going to be shifting our focus just a little. The Missouri Annual Conference is in June, and there will be two offerings taken during the three-day event. We normally give to each offering, and we’ve collected through a variety of mechanisms; noisy offerings, secret envelopes, and regular giving. This year, we’re going to make it easy. Simply write “Conference Offering” on your envelope or check. We’ll divide the giving between the two offerings. Our goal is to give a minimum of $400 between the two offerings.

First Offering: Disaster Response

Disaster Response is a vital ministry where we serve people in their most vulnerable times. The Conference continues to expand our capacity to respond to disasters in Missouri, our region and across the United States. Your donation will help purchase additional supplies for relief kits deployed in disaster. This will help us not only meet needs in Missouri but to areas beyond when disaster hits. We serve others when crises come —with your donation, you extend this reach.

Second Offering: Mozambique Initiative

Sixty-five percent of United Methodist pastors in Mozambique do not have electricity in their home. We highlighted information about this in last month’s newsletter here. Poor or no access to power makes many daily tasks much more difficult. Our partners in Mozambique have set an ambitious goal of fitting 50 parsonages across the country with solar panels. To date, seven have been installed. The cost of installing solar panels is $2,500. Your gift will make a real difference in the lives of pastors and their families in Mozambique.