Greetings from Pastor Chris

Hello, Friends!

Since I’m just beginning to learn what is “standard operating procedure” for St. Andrew’s, I’m not sure if I will have had my first Sunday among you (7/2) before you read this or after. At any rate, please know that as of writing this (6/13), I am excited to be joining you in July. I’ve met several of you already and spent good time getting to know Melissa & Burt McAlpine (and daughters), Larry Bay, Nancy Rosevink, and Miloud Atchi.

I also got to spend significant time with Pastor Steve Richardson and Jackie Brown at the Annual Conference this past weekend. It was a joy to hang out with them, catch up with some longstanding friends, and make new friends in our Methodist connection. Since this was my first Annual Conference, several folks asked me what I thought of the experience, to which my repeated response was, “Well, one denominational meeting is much like another.”

But there were some very special things about the Annual Conference for me. As I’m sure you all know, Missouri Annual Conference is saying goodbye to about 20% of our churches due to closing or disaffiliation. This sounds drastic until you hear that, in some Annual Conferences, the numbers of the disaffiliating churches are much higher. In Missouri, there are more of us staying than leaving and that’s not true in every Annual Conference.

What made that sad occasion special for me was the spirit in which the ceremony of leave-taking was conducted. There was grief in the room but also love, forgiveness, and a hope for the future. God’s grace was apparent. We said goodbye to those leaving not with rancor or bitterness but with full-hearted prayers that their ministries would continue to serve God and the people of God. It was, frankly, beautiful.

I’ve been in some denominational fights before, with my Baptist siblings, and let me tell you, Baptist fights are ugly. I know Baptists who still refuse to speak to each other over issues that came to a head 20, 40, or even 150 years ago. But I left St. Charles Convention Center on Sunday with the distinct impression that even though the connection may be officially broken
between some Methodists, we will all look for ways to heal the wounds and support each other’s ministries. And that is a very good thing.

May God bless our journeys together!
Pastor Chris