Church Picnic

Our September Potluck on September 17th will be our St Andrew’s Picnic at Spross Park after church. We will be furnishing hamburgers & hot dogs. Everyone bring a dish to share. I hope you can make it!

The October Potluck will be on October 15th and that will be a soup & sandwich or salad day. Please let me know if you are willing to bring a pot of soup. Everyone else can bring either sandwiches, salad, or a dessert. After potluck, we will have an afternoon of games and fun. Instead of a game night, we will play games in the afternoon in order that a number of us don’t have to drive at night. Bring your favorite game & it would be great if you could invite a friend to church that day & invite them to stay for a fun afternoon.

Marsha Greenstreet, Congregational Care