Parsonage nearing completion

The renovation of the parsonage is nearing completion. The updating of the half-bath is our last major project now. We had sufficient flooring and tile leftover from the kitchen updating that Amy Hickman and Karen Huffman have been working in that area. School is starting and that means Amy has less time available. That will be completed as they are able to do it.

Jim Foster finished up our window washing activity today, Monday, August 21. The ladies that washed windows on Saturday, August 19, were Jan Stichling, Sharon Moore, and Marietta. The men that helped were Jim Foster and Stoke Wischmeier. We are having the carpets cleaned on August 28.

There is still a small amount of flooring available that would do a small bathroom. We believe that it amounts to 80 square feet that we would sell for $2.50 a square foot. Please contact Marietta if you are interested in it.

The material for updating the eaves is now in the garage and waiting for when Scott Graves has time to get that project done.

We received disappointing news that the NOMADS had to cancel coming to St. Andrew’s for our anticipated repairs. Our lead couple has serious health issues and the other couple has an RV that is not functional and awaiting repairs (that will not be happening very soon). We are going to apply for a project in 2024.

Funds are still needed to complete parsonage repairs so please donate to this fund if you are able to do so.

Marietta J Martin, Trustee Chairperson

Some photos from the work at the parsonage: