Trunk or Treat will be held on Tuesday, October 31st from 6-8 PM. This outreach activity allows you to see hobgoblins, witches, scarecrows, superheroes, and more. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to decorate the trunk of your car and give candy out in an effort to sweeten up the pirates, princesses, and other characters that come by our parking lot.
There are two ways to participate in Trunk or Treat!

You can hang out in the parking lot giving out candy in the always unpredictable weather. It might be hot, cold, downright frigid. Everyone who does this has a great time…and if we’re lucky, you’ll run out of candy and be chased across the parking lot by an angry hoard of small children much to everyone’s amusement. Just kidding! We’re all hopeful that doesn’t happen, and we hope that kid with the great jokes stops by again this year! He had skills. You can bring some of your own candy, and we can supplement your stash too. Which brings up the other way you might participate in Trunk or Treat.

You can donate candy. You know the kind we need. You’ve seen those isles of chocolates, Skittles, and the like already appearing at grocery stores and fine retailers. The bags that if you buy and bring to your home will mysteriously disappear during one episode of whatever you’re binge watching, only to be mysteriously replaced by a small pile of empty wrappers next to your chair. You can avoid those wrappers getting stuck in the cushions by donating those bags of candy. We’ll put a bin at the back of the Sanctuary for you to drop off candy, or you can donate funds to purchase some, thereby avoiding even getting the tempting little snacks into your possession. It is up to you.
Either way you choose to help is appreciated. The kids have a great time, and so do the adults. We anticipate, depending on the unpredictable weather, over 300 kids coming through the parking lot. Which brings up a great perk of being at the church that night: you get to see all the costumes and visit with friends without even turning on the porch light. Please consider participating in Trunk or Treat.

We are again selling Mascot Pecans at a cost of $12.00 for medium pieces and $12.50 for large halves. The order deadline is October 3rd, and orders will be available for pickup after October 16th. To place your order, please call the church at 636-586-2472 or Marsha Greenstreet at 314-277-7840.
The net profit will go into the Fellowship Account which pays for coffee fellowship supplies, kitchen items, and other needs for the kitchen, such as annual certification. Thank you for your orders that make this possible.
The next potluck dinner will be on Sunday, October 15th, and we will be having soup, salad & dessert. Those who would be willing to provide soup, please contact Marsha Greenstreet, so we don’t have too much or too little. We will also have an afternoon of games following the potluck. We have had game nights before, but a lot of us don’t like to drive at night any more so we are having a game afternoon. We will have a number of different games, or you can bring your favorite one. We are looking forward to a fun afternoon!
If you are looking forward to Halloween, All Saints Day, Thanksgiving, and beyond, you might be coming up with questions related to the holiday at the end of October and first of November. If not, ask a little kid about All Saints Day, and you’re bound to come up with a lot of different answers. An old article, but good one, from Discipleship Ministries does a good job of identifying what saints are, where they are, and what they might be doing. (Oddly, eating bon bons doesn’t appear on their list.) The article approaches it from a musical perspective though, and points to the United Methodist Hymnal to answer many questions that you or others might have about saints. Check it out here.