The donations for the Missouri Youth Personal Care Kits for teenagers in transition was great. Melissa delivered all 23 of them to the Festival of Sharing site in Dexter. Thanks Melissa! Now, we have two mission options for reaching out to kids with in the coming months.
Last month, we outlined a partnership with Epworth that involves adopting a dorm. The dorm has 12 teenagers ranging from 13 to 17 years old. The idea is to show the teenagers that someone cares about them. About once a month over the next several months, we would put together a program for the youth. This would include refreshments (cookies, popcorn, etc.) and an activity, such as supplies for a Valentine’s Day party, movie night, craft project, game night, etc. If you will help with this project, please let the church office know.

The Administrative Council again approved supporting the Jefferson County Foster Children’s Fund with their Christmas party. If you would like to donate to this, please do so on or before November 26th. Money contributed will purchase gifts for the foster children to open during their party. We participated in this last year, and it really makes a difference for the children and youth in foster care.
Thanks for your support.
Frances Deaton, Mission Chair