We will have potluck lunch on Sunday, May 19th & the main course will be baked ham. Come & join us! Also, there will be no potluck in June as the 3rd Sunday is Father’s Day. |
Keep our students in your prayers.
It’s exam time for our college students. Please remember them in your prayers as they take their Spring semester exams. Also, please pray for their safe travels and summer plans.

New Student Sponsorship
We have received notice of a new student sponsorship. The previous student has moved to continue her studies. Please meet Xochil Yunaisi Arteaga Caudra. She is 13 years old and likes to read in her spare time. She hopes to have a future career in Computers. If you are interested in sending letters of encouragement you can email them to
secretary@standrewsumcdesoto.org or drop them by the office

Join us in celebrating Sebastian’s Graduation
Sunday, May 19th 2024
Amy & Rick’s House, 20 Briarwood Court, Arnold MO 63010
Submitted by amy smith
A thank you from DeSoto Ministerial Alliance
Dear St. Andrew’s,
I would like to express to our thanks and support for your support of the DeSoto Ministerial Alliance. With your help and others we were able to help 814 people and spent $23,488.16 to meet the needs of people in our community.
Thank you again and may God Bless
In Christ,
Gene Moses
DeSoto Ministerial Alliance