Pastor’s Note

“Grandparent’s Day!”

So, who’s up for a celebration of Grandparent’s Day (Sunday, September 8th)?

Marsha Greenstreet, Dana Robinson, and I have been plotting (and we need some

co-conspirators – see more on that below). It’s rare these days for there to be children in worship at St. Andrew’s and we’d like to change that! We have a wonderful opportunity with Grandparents Day approaching on the calendar. We’ve noticed that when we do have kiddos on Sunday morning, it’s likely that they’ve come with Grandma and Grandpa.  So, we thought, “Let’s give them an excuse!”

So far, we’ve considered the following:

· Having a special “child friendly” worship service, complete with a special “Children’s Sermon” from Pastor Chris, coloring pages geared to the “Adult Sermon,” and more;

· Having a “Homecoming Potluck” after the service.  I’ve offered to supply smoked brisket as the main course;

· Inviting those with children that we don’t often see to this special event.

But we need more input! We’d like to meet with those interested to brainstorm in brief meetings very soon. If you are interested, please let me know.

Our building is still set up to accommodate children on Sunday mornings. We have at least 3 rooms equipped with “kid stuff.” But they sit empty nearly all the time. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to encourage their use by our grandchildren and

great-grandchildren? Let’s see how we can get there!

Pastor Chris