Fellowship Potluck
We will be having our Fellowship Potluck on Sunday, October 13th & will be hosting the Nomads workers who have been so diligently working on our church. We are so appreciative of their help & wish to show that appreciation with a good meal! We will be providing fried chicken as the main course & ask that the congregation bring sides & desserts. Let’s be sure & show our good Methodist hospitality!
Trunk or Treat?
St Andrews has been participating in the Halloween Trunk or Treat of numerous years now. Our numbers of church trunk participants have dwindled and the number of children participating has increased. We would like to continue this tradition for the children of our community. We are asking who would be willing to participate by handing out candy or donating candy for the Trunk or Treat by letting Dana Robinson or myself know. Thank you!
Marsha Greenstreet

I wish to express my gratitude & love in appreciation for the wonderful food provided for Jerry & I & the many prayers & support these last couple of months. Your prayers lift me up & help me continue with a positive attitude and lets me take each day as the Lord gives it to me. I love you all!
Marsha & Jerry Greenstreet