Church Notes

Potluck this month will be Sunday, February 16th. 

Karen Huffman will be preparing a main dish of

Mostaccioli and we will provide bread. 

Salads and desserts will be appreciated. 

See you then! 

Marsha Greenstreet/Fellowship Chair

February Fellowship Hosts

Kate Bigelow   February 2nd

Joyce Marshall     February 9th

*Potluck        February 16th

Linda Sullivan    February 23rd

(Please consider signing up now for the month of March!)

Easter is just around the corner!

Be thinking about ordering flowers!

We will collect orders in late February.

We will be having a Pancake and Sausage Brunch on Tuesday,  March 4th.

We would love everyone to join us Fat Tuesday at 12pm!

We would appreciate it if you could let us know if you are able to

attend by Sunday February 23rd so preparations can be made.