Pastor’s Note

Joint Worship Service with The Antioch Baptist Church

Welcome to February, a little late. This newsletter was delayed this month due to the extreme

demands on Dana’s time between the end-of-year financial reports due to the Conference at the

end of January and the avalanche of background checks, etc., due before Night to Shine.

But February is such an in-between month, isn’t it? It seems like it’s been winter forever and we

can’t wait for spring (the day before I wrote this, we had 70-degree weather for one day, which

made the wait for spring seem even worse). Other than Valentine’s Day and any family

birthdays, there’s just not much to look forward to.

March, however, is bringing a wonderful opportunity for St. Andrew’s. As I announced last

Sunday, we’ve been invited to take part in the Church Anniversary Service at The Antioch

Baptist Church. TABC was organized in 1878, making this their 147th year, just slightly behind

St. Andrew’s (we were organized in 1874).

For those unfamiliar with the traditions of the African-American Church movement, church

anniversaries are a BIG DEAL. It’s an honor for me to be invited to preach at this significant

event and an honor for our music team to be invited to lead in song.

Since many at St. Andrew’s AND at Antioch expressed their disappointment in not having

everyone together when we did our Pulpit/Choir Swap, we are encouraging everyone from St.

Andrew’s to join us on this trek north. We will NOT have a service at St. Andrew’s that

morning. Instead, I’m arranging for a bus to take members of St. Andrew’s to The Ville. Or, if

you wish to drive yourself or a small group of friends, the address is 2401 Annie Malone Drive,

63113. You will find a warm welcome from our sisters and brothers in Christ and I anticipate a

lively worship service. Service there starts at 9:30, so don’t be late!

Rev. Dr. Benson and I are discussing a plan to bring Antioch to St. Andrew’s for St. Andrew’s

Day in November. More details on that event and on the bus ride will be provided as soon as

possible. See you there!

Rev. Chris Boyer