Missions & Outreach

There’s a new form in town! Beginning on Sunday, July 1st, you’ll see a bright green form added to the offertory slots on the back of each pew. This form is a way for you to share your non-monetary offerings.

You see, each week, we report to the Missouri Annual Conference on attendance, professions of faith, small groups, etc. Part of that reporting includes the number in our congregation actively engaged in missions and outreach. We’ve not had a good way to capture that engagement number in the past, so this is an attempt to get a better handle on that reporting element. My suspicion is that we have a larger outreach than we know and are working in the community far more than is currently reported.

The form lists some local organizations where you might be spending time each week. All you need to do is put a check next to the organization, write your name at the bottom, and slip the form into the offering plate when it comes around.

If you volunteer your time to another organization that isn’t listed, you can select “Other” and write it on the line provided. Also, if you’re uncomfortable writing in your name, you can leave that part blank. The “who” isn’t included in our weekly reporting. We’re only asking for that so we can use this information for another purpose: to celebrate! We need to do a better job of celebrating the work that we do.

Although you probably aren’t doing these things to get accolades, recognition, or a tiara (Okay, we don’t have any tiaras for you.), we can’t even provide an “attaboy” if the activity remains in the shadows. Please take the time to complete the simple form and turn it in on weeks when you are engaged in outreach activities. The information will be helpful when I do our weekly reporting.

Thanks in advance,

-Melissa McAlpine