January Birthdays
- 4th-Stoke Wischmeier
- 6th-Doug Weber
- 7th-Bob Dillingham
- 14th-Jamie Doyle
- 19th-Nancy Rosevink
- 20th-Xanthus Watkins
- 27th-Karen Huffman
January Anniversary
- 4th-Kit Doyle & Emily Barnett-Doyle
January Calendar Items
- 3rd-Blood Drive & Survivors of Suicide Support group meeting
- 6th-Wesley Covenant Service & Epiphany Sunday
- 10th & 24th-Hardees Bible Study
- 11th-Human Trafficking Awareness Day
- 13th-Movie Night
- 14th-Administrative Council Meeting
- 20th-Fellowship Dinner
Year-end reports, taxes, and Night to Shine paperwork will all require a lot of time from the church staff during January. Please remember them in your prayers and be patient when trying to contact the office.
For information about other events and meetings at the church, check out the calendar.