St. Andrew’s has pledged $450 annually to the Mozambique Initiative. This is above any of our normal apportionment, and after some discussion, we’d like to get this amount paid before the year gets any older.
The Proposal
Here is the idea: We are asking that 16 people give $10 each month over the next three months…April, May, and June. You could give $30 in April, set up a recurring payment to do $10 each month, or text to give $10 each month on the 10th of each month. The way you set it up is totally up to you.
You don’t have to sign up or sign a commitment or pledge card. Just give the money with the designation of Mozambique. If you’d like to do so anonymously, you can do that too. Simply drop your donation into the Mozambique box at the back of the Sanctuary.
Any amount given in excess of what is needed will be applied to the replacement of the divider between the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall.