New Places for New People

After the Wesleyan Covenant Service on January 5, 2020, we’ll begin a new sermon series on New Places for New People. Last summer’s Annual Conference focused on this, and we’ll be revisiting some of the themes from the conference.

Here is some information to get you ready. First, a good definition of missional community: An ongoing group of any size outside the
walls of a church that offers the good news of Jesus Christ to unchurched people in a neighborhood or community around a specific need or interest without the expectation that people will come to a church building. Christian community can be built among students, artists, scientists, the homeless and more. It’s about serving people, listening to them, and figuring out by the leadership of the Holy Spirit what form church should take as it’s planted in the context where people live, work and do life.

To get ready for this 7-week series that will take us through February, here are your steps to prepare:

  1. Begin with a dangerous prayer: Lord, use me.
  2. Assess the needs/interests in your mission field.
  3. Communicate the needs/interests to your family and friends.
  4. Network both inside and outside the church.