Food Pantry Needs

We all know that this year has been difficult. Local nonprofits are struggling to raise funds needed with ever-growing demands for services. Our local food pantry hasn’t been immune to that. If you are able to give, you can drop off canned items on the table at the end of the hallway (near the kitchen door). You can do this on Sunday, or bring them by on Mondays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays between 9 AM and 2 PM. Here are items that the pantry needs the most:

  • canned carrots
  • canned potatoes, sliced or whole
  • canned mixed vegetables
  • canned peas
  • canned sweet potatoes

Mildred stressed the need for carrots and sliced or whole potatoes. Those are things that are the pantry’s lowest stock right now. Sadly, they do not need canned green beans or canned corn! Let’s stick to carrots, potatoes, mixed vegetables, and peas, please.