There are over 700 children in the foster care system in Jefferson County. The Jefferson County Foster Children’s Fund (JCFCF) provides positive, memorable experiences for foster children through activities and events designed specifically for the unique needs of the youth they serve. One major event hosted by the JCFCF is their annual holiday party. This much-anticipated event is sometimes the first experience of Christmas for the children served. In order to make it unforgettable, the organization seeks donations from the community. The list of items that are needed is long, so while discussing the best way St. Andrew’s can support this event, it was determined that monetary donations would be sought.
Que the Mission Impossible music!
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to have give!
We have set a goal of $500 with a deadline of November 20th. You can give online or simply add a note to the memo line of your check or on your giving envelope. We’d like to make this a great event for kids who are facing tough situations. You can help by giving before the deadline.