Church Notes

August is always so hot and humid, so we will not be firing up the stoves.
The Potluck is August 18th and we will be having sandwiches of sorts. 
Please bring a salad or a dessert to share if you are able. 
Everyone is welcome!

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”    Mathew 18:20 

To our congregation:
You may remember that in early July Stoke Wischmeier, our Finance Chairman, spoke to us concerning our support, both financial and practical, for our need for extra handicap parking in the front. 
After mulling this over in your minds for a month, if you have any additional thoughts, for or against this endeavor, please do make them known to either Pastor Chris (636) 586-2472 or Jan Stichling, Administrative Council Chair(636) 725-6766