Parsonage updates and some church windows
I realize that I noted in the last newsletter that I would have items of concern for the updating of the kitchen in the parsonage. Though I do not have dollar figures to request, I do know that we want to paint the cabinets, replace the backsplash, and update the counter tops. We could use…
Church Notes
Wesley Covenant Service: each year, we offer a Wesley Covenant Service. On January 1, 2023, we will do this along with Holy Communion. The heart of the service, focused in the Covenant Prayer, requires you to commit yourself to God. This covenant is serious and the Invitation is taken directly from Wesley’s service of 1780.…
Some items that are MIA
We’ve recently discovered that some items are missing from the church. If you’ve borrowed these items or wound up taking home a pan after a potluck, please bring it back. (Also, if you bring a dish to share, make sure you snag any of your utensils or cookware before you head home after potluck as…
Thank You
To St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church, On behalf of the Jefferson County Foster Children’s Fund, we would like to thank you for your donation of $686.77. Our organization relies solely on the generosity of donors such as you We appreciate your contribution to some of the most vulnerable children in our community. There are approximately…
January Food Pantry Item & Goal
We’ve set a new goal for January. Our item for January is canned protein. Please bring your canned tuna, chicken, etc. to the table at the end of the hall. If you’d like to make a monetary donation, you can do that by noting the amount with the memo “food pantry”. Our goal is to…
January Calendar
Birthdays If you are interested in other things happening at the church or as part of the ministry of the church, please check out our calendar. You can also view the printed calendar here.
Christmas services and other notes
The community and church has many special events and services for the holiday season. Here’s a list to get you started! Current Prayer List
Parsonage capital improvements and a stairlift update
Thank you for your support for upgrading the parsonage. We are still in need of funds to repair and stain the deck. The amount needed to finish the work on the deck is $1000. We also have a bid of $1600 for labor plus material to upgrade the eaves. The final project is to update…
Do you know what coincides with Advent?
Final exams! That’s right, as we wait for Christmas to arrive, students are cramming for exams that can have a huge impact on their futures. During this season, remember these college students. Pray for them as they prepare and take their semester exams. Also pray for travel mercies as they travel home for the holidays…
Gratitude, prayers, and pecans
Dear Church Family, Thank you so much for your comforting words, prayers, cards and concern. Marsha is feeling so much better. Jim and Marsha Foster Pecan Update We ordered 4 cases of pecan halves and 4 cases of pecan pieces. All are ready to be picked up beginning October 24th. All of the pecan halves…