New beginnings!
Congratulations to Grant Fauth! He graduated summa cum laude from the University of Utah with a Master of Finance degree. Congratulations to Stokely and Sinclair Wischmeier! They welcomed a baby boy, Walker Thomas, into their family on September 7th. They are all doing well.
Bells Across America
The sound of a bell holds special significance for firefighters. Historically, the toll of a bell summoned members to the station, signaled the beginning of a shift, notified departments of a call for help, and indicated a call was completed and the unit had returned to the station. Departments sounded a series of bells when…
Submitting names for the Remembrance Service
Their lives were a blessing.Their memory a treasure.They were loved beyond words and missed beyond measure. Please submit names of those who have passed away during the past year that you would like to be remembered during our celebration of All Saints Day. You can join us for this Remembrance Service on Sunday, November 6,…
Trustee Update
Scott Graves has completed the repair of the deck at the parsonage except for painting. We still appreciate your designating “Parsonage Repairs” along with your other contributions to our church. We are making progress on our much needed repairs at the parsonage. We are planning for NOMADS (retired United Methodists who enjoy helping churches make…
Special music coming to in-person worship soon
It looks like the choir is not able to return as I was hoping. That will be addressed later in the year. For now we are recording the Praise Team, and they have agreed to perform one Sunday a month during the in-person service as special music. That will start in October. I plan to…
Thank you for so much kindness
We sincerely thank you all for the prayers and support during Mary’s passing. Your thoughtfulness brought comfort during a very difficult time. We are blessed to be a part of the St. Andrew’s family. In love and gratitude,Barb Hoelzel, Danielle Moskop & Seth Courtois We rise by lifting others. The fall rummage sale is over,…
Church Notes
Labor Day: what to wear to churchOn Sunday, September 4th, the day before Labor Day, everyone who attends the in-person worship is invited to wear what they wear to work. If you’re retired, you can wear what you wore to work prior to retirement or your standard attire now that you’re retired! Those worshipping online…
Rummage sale to support missions
You can support the Festival of Sharing by bringing your unwanted items (rummage) into church and dropping it off in our C-room across from the Fellowship Hall. All items need to be brought in by September 15th. Our sale dates will be Friday and Saturday, September 23-24. We will gladly accept fall, winter, and summer…
Trustees hanging out with NOMADS
We are finding people are very busy and are not available to volunteer to complete needed repairs at the church and parsonage. We are pursuring help through the NOMADS Mission Volunteers. NOMADS stands for Nomads On a Mission Active in Divine Service. NOMADS provide volunteer labor for United Methodist organizations. They demonstrate God’s love through…
1-Minute Prayers
It’s the neighborly thing to do!During September, we’ll be ushering in National Good Neighbor Day by focusing our 1-minute Tuesday prayers on our neighbors. You can join in by praying for 1 minute every Tuesday. If you’d like to get a reminder about the prayers via text, you can sign up for those here. September…