A Special Group
The closing of the building during the past two months has brought to light the strengths and weaknesses of many. Some in our midst have really stood out and deserve our thanks. The online worship and connectivity would not be possible without the dedication of the team coming together each week to produce our online…
Technical Support
With church going online and having the website be our front door, there’s a bit of a need for technical support. Here’s your brief tech support for June. There are a few people who have mentioned that they are unable to join Talk Back Monday because they can’t do so on their mobile device. It…
Thank Yous
Dear Friends, Thank you for your efforts and decision to send your 100% connectional giving to the District during 2020. Your purposeful giving at the start of a new year reveals your congregation’s abiding faith, health, and generosity, and allows us to begin a new year with the assurance that we can sustain current and…
Food Pantry Needs
The food pantry is in need of the following items: Canned peas Canned fruit (no glass jars please) Chili with or without beans Hamburger Helper These are your items for June. If you can bring one of each, that would be wonderful and greatly appreciated by the food pantry.
June Calendar
There are actual items on the June calendar! There aren’t many of them, but it is the start of returning to church in the actual building. Here are people celebrating in June: Birthdays 6th-Isaiah Haynes 13th-Austin Kingsland 16th-Angela Keys 17th-Wanda Dillingham 20th-Jerry Greenstreet 21st-Stan Fauth 24th-Bailyn Schellert 25th-Marcia Wetzel 27th-Larry Bay 29th-Amy Smith Anniversaries 1st-Burt…
Many Thanks
For your support of the DeSoto Ministerial Alliance. With your funds, we are able to help those in need. May the Lord Bless You! In Christ,Gene Moses
Food Pantry Needs
Since the church has limited hours, the number of donations of canned potatoes and baked beans has not been great. However, in conversations with the food pantry, that is true all over DeSoto. Donations are hard to get to the pantry right now since they are practicing social distancing. In addition to that, many people…
Making Space
If you’re organizing your garage, basement, shed, and car during this time at home, you have probably come up with many items that are ready for the church rummage sale. That’s right! The rummage sale is being planned for a later date, but that date hasn’t yet been selected. You can bring donated items to…
Staying Connected
Thanks goes out to all who are taking extra steps in keeping connected at this time of sheltering during the pandemic. Additionally, six special ladies – Merlin Weber, Terry Neckermann, Marietta Martin, Jan Stichling, Barb Hoelzel, and Laura Souders – have agreed to serve our congregation in making 5-10 calls each week, systematically checking in…
Although graduations have been postponed, there are still many students completing portions of their education. These are the milestones to celebrate: Morgan Fauth is finishing her Master’s degree, and Grant is finishing his Bachelor’s degree. Krista Richardson is completing her Bachelor’s degree from Central Methodist University. Terri Deaton, is completing her Bachelor’s degree from Maryville…