Where the Money Goes
The total amount that we owe in Conference, District, and Special apportionments in 2019 is $18,705. Our Conference Apportionments are $17,088; District Apportionments are $1167; and we have agreed to $450 for the year to go to the Mozambique Initiative. In an effort to increase the percentage of apportionments that we pay, we will highlight…
Spring Activities
Regardless of what we might think, spring is headed our way on March 20th! It might take another month before we really start watching baseball and picking flowers, but nails will be put in winter’s coffin. [Insert collective cheer here!] This means that spring activities are already starting. Not only have spring sports started, but…
Pastor Parish Relations Committee Meeting
Members of the PPRC will be meeting after worship on March 3, 2019. If you were unable to pick up your packet on Sunday, February 24th, please call the office, and we’ll make arrangements to get it to you. 636-586-2472
Volunteers Needed
The church is in need of some volunteers to coordinate a membership and constituent audit. This involves contacting non-resident members, resident members, and other constituents about their membership status and updating contact information. Please contact the church office before March 15th if you are willing to help: 636-586-2472 or secretary@standrewsumcdesoto.org.
Ash Wednesday Service
During Lent, St. Andrew’s has worked cooperatively with a couple of other churches to provide community services. The Ash Wednesday Service will be on March 6, 2019 at 7 PM at Hope United Church of Christ. The church is located at 100 Third Street, and all are invited to attend. Easter is not until late…
March Food Pantry Needs
The food pantry is in need of: Spaghetti O’s without meat Canned fruit Canned peas…yes, PEAS!
March Calendar Notes
March Birthdays 1st-Wyatt Hickman 2nd-Frank Talbert 3rd-Pat Ames & Hunter Guertzgen 5th-Kate Bigelow 15th-Emily Neckermann 16th-Judy Propst 18th-Landon Wurth 19th-Nancy Shackelford 21st-Dennis Doyle 30th-Nicholas Watkins & Emily West March Anniversaries 2nd-Larry & Frances Deaton 27th-Bobby & Phyllis Fisher For information about other events and meetings at the church, check out the calendar. Online Calendar Printable…
Thank You
Thank you for your continued prayer and concern surrounding the ongoing health issues of Werner Stichling. As he has said, “This just goes on and on.” It does, and we rest peacefully in His love and your prayers. -Jan Stichling
Night to Shine
In our second year of Night to Shine, we’ve learned some lessons, made adjustments, and collected enough formal wear to make Eva Longoria smile and Marie Kondo cringe. It has been quite an experience, and we’re still a couple of days away from the event. Here are some things you should know about Night to…
Day of Prayer
As part of the Special Session of the General Conference, there is a Day of Prayer on February 23, 2019. The Praying Our Way Forward team of the Council of Bishops has released details of the Day of Prayer, which will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. CST in the St. Louis America’s…