January Service Notes
January 6, 2019-Wesley Covenant Service. We are Methodists, and what better way to bring in the new year than through a service based on Wesley’s original Covenant Service. The heart of the service, focused in the Covenant Prayer, requires people to commit themselves to God. This covenant is serious and a wonderful way to start the…
Privacy Settings for Church Directory
Due to privacy concerns, your contact information will only be shared with others in the congregation if you agree to it being shared. This includes in printed directories and other communication. We’ve set up a way for you to identify which information is okay to share. If you’ve already set up your privacy preferences, there’s…
January Food Pantry Needs
January can be cold in this part of the world. At a similar latitude and longitude to ours but on the other side of the world, the average January temperature is 60°F. Wouldn’t that be nice? Of course, that is just about the height of summer in La Roche Godon, a french territory in the…
Fine Art of Disagreement
Fine Art of Disagreement: coming Sundays at 9:15 AM starting January 13th and running for 6-8 weeks. Our disagreements frequently hoarsen our voices, but rarely change our minds. This Bible study series will challenge us to ask, “What does it really look like to lovingly disagree with others?” Leader: Pastor David.
January Calendar Notes
January Birthdays 4th-Stoke Wischmeier 6th-Doug Weber 7th-Bob Dillingham 14th-Jamie Doyle 19th-Nancy Rosevink 20th-Xanthus Watkins 27th-Karen Huffman January Anniversary 4th-Kit Doyle & Emily Barnett-Doyle January Calendar Items 3rd-Blood Drive & Survivors of Suicide Support group meeting 6th-Wesley Covenant Service & Epiphany Sunday 10th & 24th-Hardees Bible Study 11th-Human Trafficking Awareness Day 13th-Movie Night 14th-Administrative Council Meeting…
Thank You!
To the Church, Minister, and All Concerned, Thank you so much for allowing me to have my recital at the church this December. I appreciate it very much! Norma J. Bell St. Andrew’s family, I can’t thank you all enough for the amazing snack package that was sent-a few tears were shed when it was…
Recent training well-attended
The attendance at the recent Simplified Board Model training was well attended. Eight from St. Andrew’s attended the meeting, which we hosted here. The training was led by David Israel, the lead pastor at Living Word United Methodist Church in Wildwood, and the group learned about an alternative structure for church governance. On the same…
College Ministry
Please remember our college students during the month of December. Both those studying in parts unknown and those right here will need prayers during their final exams. The completion of a semester will also mean many of them will be traveling home and others will begin intersession courses. Remember them in your prayers.
Open for Discussion
Several people have expressed interest in a learning time for all ages before worship. This is something like traditional Sunday School, but with non-traditional learning. It would have elements of Biblical learning, fellowship, accountability, and empathy. If this is something you’ve also considered, now is the time to discuss it. Please bring your thoughts and…
Directory Listing
We do not plan on doing a new pictorial directory for the church right now, but we would like to be able to offer new contact directories. This directory would include addresses and contact numbers. Due to privacy concerns, your information will only be printed if you agree to include it in the directory. You…