Marks of a Methodist
The region has again decided to incorporate the Charge Conference into a learning event. This year, it will be held on October 28 at 2:30 PM at Centenary UMC in Bonne Terre. Bishop Farr’s “Marks of a Methodist” will be Gateway Regional’s fall learning event. More details and sign-ups to come.
Thank You
To St. Andrew’s, Thank you so much for all of your thoughts, prayers, visits, and phone calls during my mother’s illness. It meant so much to us. My mother fought the good fight, and it brings us comfort that she is at peace. Love, Linda & Joe Bean
We are hosting Singspiration in September! It will be held Sunday, September 30th at 6 PM. Choirs and musicians from around the community will perform and money collected will be given to the Ministerial Alliance. These musical events happen on the 5th Sunday of the month and are a good opportunity to listen to Christian…
Christian Sympathy Extended
…to the family of Donald Frischman, who passed on August 2, 2018. He was Kim Kingsland’s dad. …to the family of Joan Mason, who passed on August 5, 2018. She was Linda Bean’s mother. Please contact the church office for appropriate addresses if you would like to send a card.
Mortgage burning with a side of picnic
We paid off the Sanctuary roof! Now, it is time to celebrate. We’ll have a Mortgage burning celebration as part of our annual picnic. This will be held on Sunday, September 16th. We will again be having this at Spross Park, so please head down to the park after worship that day. You can bring…
Mission & Outreach Forms
The green forms in the pews are being turned in by several of you. Thank you! That makes it much easier to report the number of people who are engaged in missions and outreach each week. A couple of items to note: The Mid East Area Agency on Aging has recently changed its name to…
Welcoming New Members
We have added several new members over the past months, and now we’d like to take the opportunity to officially announce them and give you the chance to welcome them. Danielle Moskop Barbara Duncan Helen Axley Robert Nichols It is exciting to welcome new members to our tribe, so if you need an address to…
Dedication at Pony Bird
The swing and glider that we donated to Pony Bird will be dedicated on Tuesday, July 31st at 6:30 PM. The swing is in an idyllic location under some trees and the glider has a place of prominence overlooking the pond. The short dedication ceremony will be followed by refreshments, tours of the facility, and…
Christian Sympathy Extended
to the family of… Paul Adams, who passed away July 12, 2018. Please keep Alice, his wife of 36 years, in your prayers. Patty Melton, who passed away July 17, 2018. She was Jerry Greenstreet’s niece, and the family would appreciate prayers. Nancy Hollingsworth, who passed away July 21, 2018. A Celebration of Life will…
August 2018 Calendar
August Birthdays 3rd-Margie Urban 6th-Anita Robinson 7th-Gloria Tague, Aaron Watkins, Devin Wymore 9th-Morgan Fauth 10th-Maxine Jinkerson 14th-William West 19th-Elaine Bryant 21st-Ann Costello 25th-Bill Weber II 27th-Brody Ravens, Joe Wilson 29th-Carson Hickman 31st-Darlene Payne August Anniversaries 9th-David & Barbara Duncan 24th-Lyle & Elaine Bryant For information about other events and meetings at the church, check out…