Festival of Sharing Once again, we’ll be participating in the UMC Festival of Sharing by assembling Personal Hygiene Packs. To do so, we’ll need plenty of the following items by September 22, when we’ll have a “party” to put together the Packs. If you’d like to give cash, please do so by September 15. Skin…
Trustee Report
Thanks to the services of B.F. Mahn Plumbing, our renters should be free of sewer problems. The NOMADS are to begin repair projects here at the church on September 30th. -Marietta Martin
Music Notes
The regular choir season is soon to start and we will begin to think about all the different seasons coming. Because of Nancy’s surgery and Stoke taking her place at the piano, the choir will not be singing until Nancy returns to her duties. We wish her well and a speedy recovery. -Larry Bay Mosher…
Food Pantry
We collected 60 cans of Chili for the month of August. Thank you so much to all who helped make that possible! The month of September we will be collecting cans of Beans Black beans, chili beans,great northern white beans, kidney beans, etc. Our goal is 60 cans.
Church Notes
This month we will be having potluck a week earlier than usual. It will be Sunday, Sept. 8th alongside Grandparents Day. Pastor Chris is making his famous smoked brisket. Please bring a side dish or dessert if you are able. Everyone is Welcome! Thank you all so much for your Love and Support -Charla Wilson
Pastor’s Note
“Grandparent’s Day!” So, who’s up for a celebration of Grandparent’s Day (Sunday, September 8th)? Marsha Greenstreet, Dana Robinson, and I have been plotting (and we need some co-conspirators – see more on that below). It’s rare these days for there to be children in worship at St. Andrew’s and we’d like to change that! We…
Music Notes
The summer season is in full bloom and the choir will be singing twice in August, then looking forward to our regular schedulestarting in September. If anyone would like to join our St. Andrews Chancel Choir please just stop me before or after church. I would love to talk to you about joining. Larry Bay
Trustees Report
Our parsonage has been rented. Our member, Steve Richardson, has agreed to handle the renting. We do appreciate him handling it for us. The NOMADS will be here starting September 30. There are four volunteers and their wives to assist with projects here at St. Andrew’s. They will be parking at the Hillsboro United Methodist…
August 2024 Calendar
Plus, don’t forget there is yoga is each Monday at 10 AM, Rotary meets every other Tuesday at 12 PM and Bible study will meet on Tuesdays at 1:30 PM August 6 – Anita Robinson (b) August 7 – Devin Wymore (b) August 9 – David & Barbara Duncan (a) August 14 – William West…