Food Pantry
We collected 73 cans of spaghettios, ravioli, and canned pasta for the food pantry in July. Thank you for all your donations! The month of August, the food pantry is in need of: Canned Chili We would appreciate your donations if you are able. Thank You! Barb Hoezel
Church Notes
August is always so hot and humid, so we will not be firing up the stoves.The Potluck is August 18th and we will be having sandwiches of sorts. Please bring a salad or a dessert to share if you are able. Everyone is welcome! “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am…
July 2024 Calender Items
Plus, don’t forget there is yoga is each Monday at 10 AM, Rotary meets every other Tuesday at 12 PM and Bible study will meet on Tuesdays at 1:30 PM. July 4- Independence Day July 5- Edgar Huffman (b) Carrie Faust (b) July 9- Larry Deaton (b) July 12- Linda Sullivan (b) July 14- Doug…
Trustees Report
At the printing of the newsletter, we are having problems with our freezer in the church kitchen. It is our oldest appliance and needs servicing or replacing. The rental of the parsonage is hopeful. Steve Richardson is handling the rental applications. The advertisement is in the Leader and on Facebook. The NOMADS are coming to…
Food Pantry Donations
We collected 95 cans of Tuna for the month of June. Thank you so much to all who helped make that possible! The month of July we will be collecting cans of Ravioli, Spaghettios, and canned pasta. Our goal is 50 cans.
Church Notes
This months potluck will be on Sunday, July 21st after church. The main dish will be: Spaghetti We would love everyone to bring a dish to share. The newly updated sign on Hwy 110 looks great. Many thanks to all involved in making this possible! something worth mentioning
Pastors Note
As I’ve gotten ready to leave our church building for the last couple of days, there has been an unusual amount of activity in the building. Jackie Brown and Amy Smith have been rehearsing their upcoming production of “Newsies” with local kids for Spotlight Community Theatre. The production will run July 19-21 at The Contrarian…
Food Pantry Donations
We collected 73 cans of Tomatoes for the month of May. Thank you so much to all who helped make that possible! The month of June we will be collecting cans of: Tuna Our goal is 50 cans.
Trustees Report
Our Finance Chairperson, Stoke Wischmeier will be speaking to the congregation soon concerning the Trustees request to makeadditional handicapped accessible parking for the increased numberof St. Andrew’s individuals in need. We are, also, hoping to offer our parsonage up for rent by July 1st. Marietta J Martin
Church Notes
Potluck There will not be a potluck in June as the 3rd Sunday is Father’s Day. Congratulations Graduates Sebastian Smith-DeSoto High School Sarra Faust- Illinois College Isaac Faust-Grandview High School Colton Parkin-Carthage Central High School Dietrich Guertzgen- Missouri Valley College