WITH UMCMarket.org, GIVING IS AS EASY AS 1-2-3 iGive is a free service. Since 1997, iGive has grown to 350,000+ members supporting 150,000+ causes and raised over $10 Million! iGive members generate donations by shopping online at over 2,000+ stores. There are no added costs, obligations, nor any hidden fees. You don’t need to enter…
Money Matters
The year has been different for many, but we’re already over halfway to the end. We haven’t managed to get half of the apportioned giving paid yet though. Just as a reminder, apportioned giving is what we give to support United Methodist ministries in Missouri and around the globe. It is what keeps us connected…
Technology Grant
St. Andrew’s recently received a grant from the Missouri United Methodist Foundation to improve the quality and delivery of our online worship service. The amount received was only a portion of the amount requested, but it should still allow us to purchase some new cameras and a couple of other pieces of equipment to improve…
Money Matters
We have been extremely blessed with a sizable donation in memory of Hazel and Wayne Hardin. The family requested that the donation hopefully be used for a specific purpose. The Administrative Council and the Finance Committee are taking this thought under advisement. Please pray for a solution to a wonderful problem. -Stoke Wischmeier, Finance Chair
Money Matters
Thank you to those who have been diligent to mail in their giving while regular church service has been suspended. Your attention to this matter and faithfulness is appreciated. Options for giving One option for giving is to mail your check or money order to 1004 Rock Road | DeSoto, MO 63020, but that isn’t…
Tithing in Difficult Times
As we give via mail, text, and online, you are invited to give generously so you may be entrusted with what Jesus calls, “true riches.” It is harder when we aren’t actually visiting church every Sunday, but it is still giving. The need has not diminished; neither should your dedication. How many of you enjoy…
Storage Facilities
Did you know there are more than 50,000 storage facilities around the world? They go by many names: U-store, Self-store, you name it — it seems we see them everywhere these days. We have plenty of options for keeping all of our stuff secure. Did you also know there’s a reason we seem to see…
Tithing is important. It is one way that we worship God. What happens though when you’re working on paying down debt, between jobs, or on a fixed income with increasing expenses? Maybe you start to wonder if you can give of your time instead of your money. Is it ever okay to switch out giving…
Where the Money Goes
In this season of giving, here is some biblical background to empower you to become a generous giver and discover the joy that comes with it. At the core of our biblical and theological understanding of giving is the truth that “all things come from [God], and of [God’s] own have we given [God]” (1…
Where the Money Goes
A school bus stop ministry in Wynne, Arkansas keeps kids happy and full. For Andrea Gentry, a former teacher, kids have always been near and dear to her heart. “I love helping people, and this was a neat and ongoing experience where I could help kids on a regular basis and eventually develop relationships with…