Food Pantry Needs for December
For the month of December, our food pantry item is canned fruit! Bring as many cans of fruit as you are able during the month of December; pears, peaches, pineapple, fruit cocktail, etc.
Medical Equipment Lending
The church has some walkers, wheelchairs, and other random medical equipment. As you have a need for them, please feel free to inquire about borrowing them from the church office. We are working to store them in a better location, and while we’re at it, we’d like to inquire if you have items that you…
Mission Minute
Thanks to the last Sunday that we collected items and money for the Student Dental Kits, we topped our goal and were able to send 51 kits to Festival of Sharing! Before that final Sunday, we could only fill 42 kits. Amazing! Thank you for your support. Our Wall of Money is up for the Ladies…
November Food Pantry Needs
We’re in need of sugar! Our contribution of sugar for last year’s Christmas food boxes was such a success, that we’ve been tasked with it again this year. We need 4-pound bags of sugar by November 26th. We’ll keep a tally, so you’ll know how many we still need each week when you come through the…
Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat will be held on Wednesday, October 31st from 6-8 PM. This outreach activity allows you to see hobgoblins, witches, scarecrows, superheroes, and more. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to decorate the trunk of your car and give candy out in an effort to sweeten up the pirates, princesses, and other characters that…
Mission Minute
We are almost to the deadline for our Student Dental kits for Festival of Sharing. Please have items at church by October 4th, so we can put the packs together and get them delivered to Festival of Sharing. In November, we will be hosting the ladies and children from A Safe Place. The ladies will…
Food Pantry Needs for October
For the month of October, look for canned cranberry sauce and evaporated milk for the Food Pantry. Both are very important for their Thanksgiving meals, and many people often overlook donating them. Evaporated milk can be purchased at Save-a-Lot for $0.89 a can, but you might be able to find it cheaper elsewhere too. We…
Festival of Sharing
We are hoping to get enough materials together to take 50 Missouri Student Dental Packs to the Festival of Sharing. The items needed are children’s toothbrushes, adult toothbrushes, tubes of toothpaste (at least 6 ounces), and packets of floss. All items need to be unopened, and you can deposit your donation at the back of…
September Food Pantry Needs
There are some items that the food pantry distributes each month; other items get distributed less frequently. Now is the time of year when the pantry runs low on the items distributed every month. This includes boxed pastas and jell-o. Specifically, they need: pasta without meat, like Spaghetti-os, Hamburger Helper, boxed macaroni and cheese, and…
Mission & Outreach Forms
The green forms in the pews are being turned in by several of you. Thank you! That makes it much easier to report the number of people who are engaged in missions and outreach each week. A couple of items to note: The Mid East Area Agency on Aging has recently changed its name to…