Festival of Sharing at Annual Conference
The Festival of Sharing has posed a challenge to each district with collections at Annual Conference 2018. Each district has been assigned an item that belongs in a Missouri Personal Hygiene Pack. The Gateway Region, where we are in, has been assigned hand towels! Nope, the hand towel doesn’t have to be red like the…
Mission Minutes
The Festival of Sharing books are here! It will look a little different this year, since the format has changed. Feel free to let Frances Deaton know if you find something of particular interest or have questions about what we contribute. In addition to Festival of Sharing, there is a great opportunity coming up to…
College Care Packages
We are beginning a new ministry for our college students. We will be sending them treat boxes the week before semester exams to let them know their church family is thinking about them and praying for them. If you are interested in participating in this ministry, contact Judy Doyle or Rosemary Wischmeier.
Food Pantry Update
Right now, the food pantry could really use canned potatoes. They have plenty of green beans, peas, and corn, but there’s a considerable shortable of canned potatoes. Please bring a can or two during the month of April. The goal is to get 50 cans of potatoes during the month. Like we did with the…
Food Pantry Needs
We donated 542 items to the food pantry in 2017. Here’s your chance to start doing great things in 2018 too. Right now, the food pantry could really use canned carrots, boxed cereal, and hamburger helper.
Night to Shine Overview
Several people have asked if we’ll be doing Night to Shine again. We certainly hope so and will be applying for funding once the applications for 2019 become available.
To the congregation of St. Andrews UMC, Thank you to all who contributed to the success of the Night to Shine and to St. Andrew’s for hosting such a wonderful event. I have worked with most of the guests who attended and it warmed my heart see their reactions to the special treatment that each…
Week Four Prayer Guide for Night to Shine
WEEK FOUR Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts…
Fancy Attire for Night to Shine
February 9th is going to be a big day for our guests at Night to Shine. The ladies will get their hair and nails done. The gentlemen will be getting fancied up with shoe shines, vests, and ties. It will be a sight to behold. If you have any formal wear that you would be…
Prayers for Night to Shine
There is a daily prayer guide for Night to Shine. It has a different emphasis every 3-4 days, and prayers are needed to plan and implement this event with gusto. Every guest is important, and we want to include prayers for them, their families, the organizers, the volunteers… The list goes on and on. To…