Fundraising for Night to Shine 2023! It is with great excitement that we announce the Night to Shine Trivia Night. The event will be held on Saturday, October 1, 2022 from 7-9 PM. It will be held at the Vineland Elementary School Gym at 650 Vineland School Road, and its theme is DeSoto Palooza. Note:…
Children and youth will be heading off to camp soon. Please remember to add your camp contributions to your regular giving by noting the amount on the memo line with the word “Camp”. Several youth are attending this year, and we’re excited for all their learning and fun. Did you know that St. Andrew’s covers…
Prayer is important. In May, we started a journey to add prayer to our lives. Every Tuesday at 1 PM, we pray for 1 minute. And although we aren’t meeting for these prayers, we can all pray for the same thing. Topics for July 5th: Mozambique Initiative 12th: Yadriela de la Cruz Torres Hernandez, our…
Multiple levels of commitment to discipleship are on display in the lives of followers of Jesus. Discipleship is frequently seen as an option in the church and the bar set for membership requires only a low level of compliance. Many church members comply with the minimum measures of church membership but compliance is not enough…
Annual Conference by the Numbers $15,724.29 was raised for the Mozambique Initiative offering, which will support agricultural projects in Mozambique. $10,708.37 was raised for the Diversely United offering, which will support race and culture work in local United Methodist churches across Missouri. 89 Welcome Backpacks will be shared with refugees as Church World Service and other organizations…
July’s food pantry giving is the same as May and June. However, we have made it easier! We now have an Amazon Wish List that will allow you to purchase items for the church. The top two items on the list right now: muffin mix and Jiffy mix. You can access the list here, which…