With all the donations for Festival of Sharing, the church will be donating 27 completed Hygiene kits. They will be dropped off in October. Thanks for your continuing generosity. Frances Deaton
Plus, don’t forget there is Yoga is each Monday at 10 AM, Rotary meets every Tuesday at 12 PM and Bible Study will meet on Tuesdays at 1:30 PM. 10/3 Debby Campbell (b) 10/5 David Duncan (b) Tom & Mary DeClue (a) 10/9 John & Erika Isaacson (a) 10/11 Charla Wilson (b) 10/14 Columbus Day…
NTS Trivia is rapidly approaching (Saturday, October 19th). So far we have 10 tables committed. We need more players! Join us for a fun night that benefits an amazing cause. And don’t miss out on the great raffle and auction items. Sign up soon! Danielle Moskop
We collected 86 cans of Beans for the month of September. Thank you so much to all who helped make that possible! The month of October we will be collecting boxes of Cereal and Oatmeal. Corn Flakes, Cheerios, Frosted Flakes, Honey Bunches of Oats, etc. Our goal is 50 boxes.
What’s the Plan? “How does our church impact the community? Who would miss us if we closed?” I am a great believer in strategic planning. Thanks to the Ford Foundation, I received advancedtraining in planning when I headed Stage One in Louisville back in the mid-90s, working withfaculty from Yale and Stanford business schools. I’ve put that…
Plus, don’t forget there is yoga is each Monday at 10 AM, Rotary meets every Tuesday at 12 PM and Bible Study will meet on Tuesdays at 1:30 PM. 9/1 Benno Weber (b) 9/2 Labor Day 9/3 KC Cope (b) 9/6 Beau Weber (b) 9/7 Marsha Greenstreet (b) Walker Wischmeier (b) 9/8 Grandparents Day John…