Death It isn’t a glamorous topic for most, but the death of a loved one brings up all kinds of uncomfortable situations. As a congregation that has many long-lived members, one thing the church would like to do is to give you tools to make some of those uncomfortable situations a little bit easier. Family…
During the month of May, imagine you are a prepper! The food pantry indicates that they have plenty of tuna, but they could use boxed mixes of: Jell-o Muffins Cornbread Dry soup Basically, we are looking for things that are easy to prepare, usually come in boxes or pouches, and are found in the middle…
Birthdays 4th: Mary Alice Weber 8th: Barbara Hoelzel 10th: Lily Courtois 13th: Jackie Brown 16th: David Loucks 17th: Kent Graves 18th: Clayton Parkin, Barbara Duncan 19th: Jim Foster 21st: Alec Huffman 23rd: Jack Robinson 26th: Becky Bradford 28th: Joe Bean, Will Weber 30th: Greg Schellert, Areena Smith Anniversaries 15th: Bob & Bryanna Alexander 27th: Richard…
I want to thank the Praise Team and Pastor Steve for a wonderful performance of our Easter Cantata. It would not have happened without the knowledge and ears of Glen Marshall working the sound and Tara Richardson getting it all recorded and edited. Just a big thank you to all. I am looking to start…
Well, the Lenten season is over, but that doesn’t mean Easter is over. Easter is too important to only be celebrated one day each year. The period of Easter will actually last seven Sundays until Pentecost. Easter can be or should be the beginning of a new life. During Lent, we give things up or…