Do you have macaroni and cheese?
Since we donated over 80 cans of chili to the food pantry, we’re setting the bar pretty high for October. The food pantry is needing us to collect macaroni and cheese because their stock has been depleted recently. You can bring in regular boxed macaroni and cheese or the microwave kind. Either are acceptable, and…
February Food Pantry Need
The food pantry continues to have a need for: pasta without meat, like Spaghetti-os Hamburger Helper boxed macaroni and cheese Jello is always good too!
September Food Pantry Needs
There are some items that the food pantry distributes each month; other items get distributed less frequently. Now is the time of year when the pantry runs low on the items distributed every month. This includes boxed pastas and jell-o. Specifically, they need: pasta without meat, like Spaghetti-os, Hamburger Helper, boxed macaroni and cheese, and…