Technology Grant
St. Andrew’s recently received a grant from the Missouri United Methodist Foundation to improve the quality and delivery of our online worship service. The amount received was only a portion of the amount requested, but it should still allow us to purchase some new cameras and a couple of other pieces of equipment to improve…
Building Update
Have you seen the new walkway at the Rock Road entrance? It is beautiful, and we’re so very happy to have an ADA compliant entrance to the church. This walkway and porch extension was completed after we received a matching grant from the Missouri United Methodist Foundation. If you haven’t walked, run, rolled, or danced…
MUMF Presentation
In case you missed worship on March 18th, Myles Hinkel from the Missouri United Methodist Foundation was on-hand to present funds to the church. The grant the church received was for matching funds in the amount of $2500 to be used to rehab the front entryway. This will allow for the handicapped ramp to function…