Tithing in Difficult Times
As we give via mail, text, and online, you are invited to give generously so you may be entrusted with what Jesus calls, “true riches.” It is harder when we aren’t actually visiting church every Sunday, but it is still giving. The need has not diminished; neither should your dedication. How many of you enjoy…
Noisy Offerings
Each year, offerings are taken during the Missouri Annual Conference. We normally collect money for these three offerings in the months leading up to the conference. In previous years, this has been done through a noisy offering, and we intended to do this again this year. The offerings were scheduled for March 22nd, April 19th,…
Where the Money Goes
In this season of giving, here is some biblical background to empower you to become a generous giver and discover the joy that comes with it. At the core of our biblical and theological understanding of giving is the truth that “all things come from [God], and of [God’s] own have we given [God]” (1…
Sanctuary Roof Update
We are hoping to replace the roof on the Sanctuary before the end of the year. The estimate received was $41,000, and we’re hoping to raise $20,000 prior to beginning the project. To date, we have $7340 designated for the Sanctuary roof. There are still parsonage needs but most of those have been met ($4350…