Poinsettia Orders
To celebrate or commemorate loved ones and decorate the Sanctuary, we are again selling poinsettias. These lovely plants will be delivered in time for the Christmas programs on December 16th, so order forms and money are due to the church office by December 3rd. You can get a form in your bulletin, at the back…
Sanctuary Roof Update
We’ve collected $30,460.42 toward the roof! That is putting us on pace to pay off the loan earlier than had been hoped. The goal of raising $20,000 this year might be modified, so we can start working toward new financial goals. Stay tuned…
Sanctuary Roof Update
We are hoping to replace the roof on the Sanctuary before the end of the year. The estimate received was $41,000, and we’re hoping to raise $20,000 prior to beginning the project. To date, we have $7340 designated for the Sanctuary roof. There are still parsonage needs but most of those have been met ($4350…