From the Pastor

Over the past few months, a theme that continues to emerge and re-emerge into my train of thought is ministry to the most vulnerable – how we minister to those most affected by changing societal or economic structures or by life situations or events. My thoughts then wander to how these ministries can go beyond simply providing a service. How are the ‘subjects’ of our ministries becoming our greatest resources for even more transformational ministries?

Raleigh Sadler, of Made to Flourish ministries, says it this way: “The vulnerable person you are reaching may be God’s answer to some of the brokenness facing your church. Come alongside them and remember how, throughout history, God has made a point to use the most vulnerable to change the world.”

As we consider the God-honoring servant-hood of so many mothers in our lives, let us also consider how ministry to those most vulnerable (children, at-risk teens, poor, home-bound, single moms, homeless, etc.) may be opening the doors to the transformation God wants to work in our lives, in our church’s life, and in the life of our community.