Mission Minute

Remember that wall of money we did last year? It was very successful. In fact, it was so successful that we raised funds in excess of what was needed…to the tune of over $400! After deliberation, it was determined that since the money was originally intended to be used for the Ladies’ Day Out for the families at A Safe Place, it made sense to contribute the overage to that organization. Since A Safe Place is part of COMTREA and is very focused on funding for Mary’s House of Hope, a transitional housing option for domestic violence victims and their children, Missions recommended that the money be sent to Mary’s House of Hope. The Administrative Council approved, and the money was sent. Following is the thank you we received:

On behalf of the board and staff of COMTREA, thank you for your donation of $444.10 to COMTREA’s Mary’s House of Hope at A Safe Place transitional housing project.

Every year, thousands of clients seek COMTREA’s care for mental illness, substance abuse, and domestic violence. COMTREA also provides medical and dental services to underserved individuals. For these clients, COMTREA’s services are the path to a healthier, safer life. Thanks to donors like you, we are able to continue providing our clients with the very best care available.

Thank you again for your generosity and support of our efforts.


Kim Elbl, Vice President of Fundraising and Development

We received a donation of one sewing machine to be sent to Columbia, Missouri. If you have one that you are willing to part with, please bring it to church. They won’t come to collect them for a while yet, so anytime in the next week and a half would be fine.

The 2019 Festival of Sharing books are out. You can locate a couple in the hall at church. You can also help by praying for our neighbors in need, and for our cooperative efforts to help them through Festival of Sharing. Pray we can truly equip those He calls in 2019!