Night to Shine Volunteers

We know that St. Andrew’s has a network of volunteers for Night to Shine. Now is the time to get your paperwork submitted. If you aren’t sure what you’ll do since Night to Shine is going to be virtual, consider these splendid roles:

  • Encouraging Notes – Consider writing encouraging note cards or verses to share with honored guests.
  • Packing – Assemble to pack Night to Shine Guest Experience Gift Kits for honored guests, following all Jefferson County Health Department and CDC guidelines regarding masks, gloves, hand washing, group gatherings and social distancing.
  • Delivery – Help deliver Night to Shine Guest Experience Gift Kits to honored guests with contact free delivery or assist in mailing them out. If you’re making deliveries, don’t worry. We’ll use the buddy system to keep you from getting lost!
  • Prayer – Consider forming a prayer team to pray over needs shared by honored guests, parents and caregivers. Consider offering prayer and encouragement by phone to guests, parents and caregivers.
  • Tech Support – We’ll need a few volunteers who can assist with minimal troubleshooting for technology concerns on the night of the Night to Shine Virtual Experience. These volunteers would help with basic concerns such as difficulty finding or accessing the virtual event, connecting to WiFi, etc.

Now that you know what you’re signing up for, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • For the safety of the honored guests, we will complete background screenings for all volunteers that are over the age of 18. We have done this each year, and we pay for the cost of the screenings.
  • We must have a signed permission slip from a parent or legal guardian for ALL volunteers ages 14-18. This is also not different this year.
  • We will also need a liability release that holds the church and the Tim Tebow Foundation harmless in the event of an accident, personal injury or vehicle damage, from any staff or volunteers who may drive or operate a motor vehicle as a part of their Night to Shine volunteer role, such as providing contact-free delivery of Guest Experience Gift Kits. We have always asked for this in the past as well.

Regular Volunteer Forms

Volunteer Permission Slip (for those 14-18 years of age)

One response to “Night to Shine Volunteers”

  1. Pastor David, I would like to volunteer for the above except doing a person to person delivery.