How do we gather?

The idea that the church, God’s people, wouldn’t meet on a Sunday still strikes many Christians as odd and even a watching world notices the empty parking lots. Right now, we’re asking how do we remain faithful when we choose to not gather together in person on Sunday?

The church automatically brings to mind gathered people. The term used in Scripture for church means, “an assembly, community, gathering or congregation.” Church has never been about a building, but rather a people who have gathered together to know and praise our God. From the very beginning, the Christian church was a gathered people. It is seen in the descriptions of the early church in Acts where it mentions “breaking of bread and the prayers”. Paul later encourages them to meet, and in Hebrews 10:24–25 (NIV), it says, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another…”

When we gather, our faith is fueled by hearing God’s word. It isn’t just the reading of the Scripture but also the delivery by the Pastor. It is moving to have a Pastor in front of you, someone who knows your struggles and doubts, speaking directly to your soul on a Sunday morning. And the encouragement that happens when we gather…that is remarkable. It is much more difficult for these things to happen in a meaningful way in an online environment.

We’ve struggled, but the answer to “can we do this virtually?” is definitely yes.

It is amazing what technology can allow us to do these days! We can read Scripture with a friend in Pennsylvania over the phone. We can pray with a group of people from across the country and into far-reaching parts of the world over Zoom, Facetime or Google Meets. Pastor has comforted a sick person using a tablet and smartphone. We can sing in the shower to our favorite worship songs on YouTube of Spotify. And most Christians we know have at least one copy of the Bible in their house if not multiple copies and versions.

Yet, for all the amazing advances, there are things we still can’t do with technology. Ask any military spouse and they will tell you Facetime is amazing on a six-month deployment, but it will never replace a hug or the presence of their loved one sleeping quietly (or even snoring) in the bed next to them. A friend’s encouraging word over the phone and their smile from the front step when they stop by unexpectedly are completely different.

Let’s face it: gathering to praise God in our Sanctuary with all voices lifted (good and bad) far surpasses the joy of singing in the shower. The eye contact and passion of a pastor can allow the Holy Spirit to work in ways that a podcast never will. And that makes all this more difficult. We don’t expect technology to do what it cannot, but it can help us in many ways. It can help us connect, help us study Scripture, and help us pray for one another.

These are the reasons we connect on Tuesday evenings at 7 PM. In August, we will do this on the 10th and again on the 24th. It helps, and we hope you will join in these times together (or to gather?) The invitations arrive in your email, so please use the form below to make sure you’re signed up to receive them. If another method of delivery is needed, just contact the church office to work out details.

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