Mary’s House of Hope

For several years, St. Andrew’s has contributed goodies and money to Comtrea for A Safe Place, the women’s shelter and for Mary’s House of Hope, a transitional housing development. Recently, Comtrea announced that Mary’s House of Hope is moving into Phase 2! Here’s more information about how you can support them as they begin this new phase.

Many effects of the 2020 pandemic are yet to be seen. The shelter in place orders given to protect society as a whole have only increased household tensions, especially those living with a violent partner or family member.

A Safe Place emergency shelter is now expecting a second surge; a surge of victims seeking shelter from abusers they have been locked down with during the past year.

The current lack of affordable housing offered in our area brings devastating consequences for those fleeing violent living conditions. Mary’s House of Hope will be on the forefront of the expected surge as we take next steps to build a second transitional housing unit. Families currently living in the first unit will continue to work towards their own individualized plan of action towards sustainable living.

Please consider supporting Phase 2 of Mary’s House of Hope to build four additional apartments for other families ready to transition out of A Safe Place emergency shelter.

You can be part of the foundation that builds a home for so many families seeking a safe and independent future.

Two Ways to Give


You can give online at or you can add a donation to your regular church contribution. The Treasurer will then forward donations to Mary’s House of Hope. Please ensure you properly note the amount to be forwarded and indicate “Mary’s House of Hope”.


You can also donate supplies. The current needs include:

personal hygiene items, new bedding, baby care items, diapers, Walmart gift cards, and Amazon gift cards

Learn more about Mary’s House of Hope from Mary’s daughter Lexi.