Using talents to further the Kingdom of God

Well, I am nearing the completion of my first month as your Pastor. I have to say there have been challenges. I have learned there are a lot of things that go on behind the scene by a lot of people. I thought I was relatively wise about the goings on of the church but have found out that’s not the case!

My sermons of late have been about using our God-given talents to advance the Kingdom of God. It has become evident to me we have very talented people working and volunteering at Saint Andrew’s and that work is doing just that, advancing the Kingdom of God.

It is refreshing everyday when I am able to come to church and watch who comes and goes, using those talents to do what they can to promote Saint Andrew’s in the community and region. I also realize there are many people working for the church from their homes. There are also people that are not members of the church that work hard so the mission of our church can be realized.

The one thing that stands out the most in my mind this first month is the overwhelming and positive support I have received from the entire congregation. I thank you all for the kind words. I hope and pray that we will continue to make a difference in the world by making disciples of Jesus Christ that make a difference.

In Christ’s Love,
Pastor Steve